søndag 21. november 2010

Everyday Yoga

I want yoga as a part of my every day life, not something out of reach, mystic, weird thing that only hippies relate to. Yoga is being in your body, feeling your limits, moving, breathing.. My yoga can be both modern and ancient. I think it is more important to incorporate yoga into your life, and not set it aside to be some mystic thing you do twice a week at your local studio. Here is me getting into the dancer after an unsuccessful shopping trip:

My camera is kind of broken, so it's difficult to get it to take pictures. I wish I would get to see how far I am able to go in this asana, as I think I have gotten quite far. This picture was taken while I was still getting into the pose, but it still looks quite cool.

Here is my friend, Chrissy, trying to find balance at the outlet mall. Her hips are slightly unequal, maybe that's where she stores all her tension? My hips are almost too open, but my yoga teachers tell me that it's quite normal to store your tension at the hips. Anyways, there should be free yoga sessions at outlet malls to help people manage their stress and frustration. Maybe this could be a good way of introduce guys to yoga? Do stress-relief yoga after following your wife/girlfriend around the mall :D

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