onsdag 24. november 2010

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Nice picture, by Andrzej Radka:
Today I'm taking a rest. It's so cold.. even in California! I went running this morning (freezing!!) by the graveyard, and got some great ideas for photos.. I want to do a full pigeon pose in the wildlife area with wild turkeys around me! The churchyard is connected to the wildlife area, and that's why I run there. I like the quiet, the lack of (living) people. The first time I saw the turkeys, I though they were an illusion. I thought about the horses that pull the carriages at Hogwarts, that these turkeys also were only visible to people who have witness death (not that I have, unless you count my guinea pig). They are big birds, and quite majestic in the wild!

On veterans day there were a lot of people at the graveyard, and this made the turkeys uneasy. It was such a magnificent spectacle! Everywhere; gravestones, american flags, old people and flocks of wild turkeys. And me, running, feeling like I somehow blended in.

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