søndag 7. juni 2015

Back on track

Sometimes, when things are going well, we make the mistake of thinking that they will be this good for ever. And that effort to prevent them from not doing so is unnecessary. What I'm trying to say is that I've let yoga slowly slip away from me.

And here I am, a bit older and heavier than back then, thinking about how much joy and pleasure I used to find in yoga. And this site is not really about my home practice, but it was still an essential part to inspiring it.

I found the picture above at a rather tasteless Facebook page called "Scarlett success motivation". The name and the rest of the content almost dissuaded me from posting it, but then I started thinking about how fitting it might actually be to find beauty and inspiration in the places one usually shun. Going back into posting on this blog with a more positive and open attitude might just be the thing.

Because I am a bit behind in this yoga world at the moment, my focus for now will be to find beauty and art celebrating normal people doing normal yoga. I want to see less-than-slim people doing yoga, I want to see beautiful images of the less acrobatic asanas and I want to post art that focus on the smaller scale in life.

lørdag 26. mars 2011

into the woods..

Nature and culture should not be two separate things, because if we see humans as something outside of nature we are in big trouble. Humans are animals, and we came from a lifestyle in the trees, out in the woods, like it or not. I've been on springbreak, went hiking, and remembered how much I've missed being outside! Nature rocks!

I love the yoga photos of Irene Peña, check out her cool webpage.

fredag 18. mars 2011

Yoga at the beach

My good friend, S, and his girlfriend. Sporty types, those two ;D

lørdag 5. februar 2011

Thai Massage

I've been ill for two weeks, forcing me to skip my yoga practice. Well, almost. I've done a couple of sun salutations, had a short session on sunday, but not nearly enough. I've even felt guilty about it, even though I knew my body needed rest more than anything. This made me realize that I should revise how I look at my yoga practice. I mean, I believe in forcing myself onto the mat in periods when I'm extra lazy or uninspired, but it shouldn't be a chore.

So even from this little break, I've learnt something. Oh, and I've learnt something else, the topic of this post; Thai Massage! My good friend, Ieza, treated me to a thai massage class. I was sick, but it did me so much good! It certainly has aspects of yoga in it; the stretching, the focus on alignment, the easy breathing..  But then, instead of self-support and muscle work, you add massage. It was magical. We've already signed up for another class - a valentines day partner yoga and thai massage class. I'm going with Mr. S, my yoga friend. Mr. S also had a brilliant idea for cool yoga pictures the other day - yoga shadow pictures!!

Another thing I've been thinking of this week is a good soundtrack for a home practice, or a thai massage session. I've been searching the net for inspiration, and checked out numerous bands. I'll hopefully post my ultimate yoga play list here some day soon.


lørdag 15. januar 2011


"Shadows" by Boguslaw Mosielski

It's winter, I've been away, I've started a new, and I need balance and grounding.. Hopefully yoga will help me there, but as I am broke I will have to practice at home. But I have good friends keeping my spirits high, and one of them has treated me to a thai massage class by the end of the month! Yey!

fredag 3. desember 2010

Lunchbreak yoga

Here are some pictures from a hike and our lunch break on the way back from out beautiful retreat!

mandag 29. november 2010


I have retreated this weekend, and it was beautiful! There was yoga sessions twice a day, and every day I had a new teacher and a new yoga style. It was interesting to try out new poses, and I got to try my shoulder stand, something I haven't done since before summer. I thought I needed more props to be able to do the pose, but I must have improved my abdominal strength or something, because I flew right up into the pose. Well, not exactly, but in a much more graceful way now than before. I've always done this pose with a lot of padding under the shoulders, but this time I just did it on the mat, and it worked out fine. It feels like my neck is limiting me in this pose, or maybe it's my whole back, or just my buddah belly..? I cannot touch the feet to the floor in plough pose! I want to be better at this pose, because of all the benefits one reaps from inversions. Maybe I'll incorporate it into my daily practice.

But not this week. I'm on my "ladies holiday" - blah! When the cramps are over I'll do some light, relaxing stretches, but no inversions during this period! B. K. S. Iyengar's book "Yoga, the path to holistic health" has a recommended sequence for menstrual cramps, with baddhakonasana and virasana, both seated and reclined, and also some side stretches and forward bends, and a lot of supported poses.
The best yoga class was the last. We did Iyengar yoga, and it made me realize how much I've missed doing this type of yoga. The thorough instructions and the use of props and slow progression - I love it!! The teacher was strict, but loving - just like my teacher back home!! <3 And it was by far the best workout of all the yoga classes. This was an intermediate class, and so she made us hold the poses for a long time, then repeating them, and making sure we did them properly! We worked on the warrior poses, and as she said; there is no hiding from the warrior poses, you cannot cheat. She pointed out that during warrior 2, I tuck my butt in too much, a habit I got from my power yoga instructor, who wants us to tuck it as much as possible. I'm quite bendy and so as much as possible is quite a lot. This one class made such a difference for me, and was truly inspirational! I'm looking forwards to signing up for Iyengar yoga next quarter.
All the pictures are taken from the dharma yoga center webpage, and are from Sri Dharmas (That can't be his real name??) Master Yoga Chart.