lørdag 5. februar 2011

Thai Massage

I've been ill for two weeks, forcing me to skip my yoga practice. Well, almost. I've done a couple of sun salutations, had a short session on sunday, but not nearly enough. I've even felt guilty about it, even though I knew my body needed rest more than anything. This made me realize that I should revise how I look at my yoga practice. I mean, I believe in forcing myself onto the mat in periods when I'm extra lazy or uninspired, but it shouldn't be a chore.

So even from this little break, I've learnt something. Oh, and I've learnt something else, the topic of this post; Thai Massage! My good friend, Ieza, treated me to a thai massage class. I was sick, but it did me so much good! It certainly has aspects of yoga in it; the stretching, the focus on alignment, the easy breathing..  But then, instead of self-support and muscle work, you add massage. It was magical. We've already signed up for another class - a valentines day partner yoga and thai massage class. I'm going with Mr. S, my yoga friend. Mr. S also had a brilliant idea for cool yoga pictures the other day - yoga shadow pictures!!

Another thing I've been thinking of this week is a good soundtrack for a home practice, or a thai massage session. I've been searching the net for inspiration, and checked out numerous bands. I'll hopefully post my ultimate yoga play list here some day soon.
